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GEC Multan

Admission Announcements of Vocational Training Institute VTI

Admissions in Vocational Training Institute VTI

VTI Courses 2015, 2016

Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC) is an autonomous corporate body established by the Punjab Government through the PVTC Act of 1998. Its mission is to alleviate poverty through Muslim charity (Zakat) and private sector participation by imparting demand driven skill training and enhancing employability for disadvantaged youth.

Establishment of PVTC came through the realization that the less privileged sections of the society eligible for Zakat should be so empowered economically that they are able to sustain themselves and their families and engage in dignified economic activity. One of the better ways to use Zakat was to provide technical and vocational skills to the youth including girls and boys with certain minimum academic qualifications. This idea of economic empowerment would generate a multiplier effect in terms of economic activity and provide dignified monthly income to them and their families so that they come out of the eligibility of Zakat bracket.

Imparting of skill training in market relevant trades would obviously bring much higher rate of return than general education. With the establishment of PVTC, training the young girls and boys into professionally equipped and trained craftsmen has brought quantifiable dividends in the lives of these people.

About Author Aamir Rana

Aamir Rana is a Web Designer and an addicted Blogger. He is admin of official website of Govt Emerson College Multan and its social media accounts. Purpose of creating this blog is to facilitate students by providing them all updates regarding education. You can catch him on social media links given below.

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