Additional DPI colleges Punjab Lahore Visits Government Emerson college Multan

Additional DPI colleges Punjab Lahore Visit Government Emerson college Multan
Directorate of Public Instruction Colleges (Punjab) is a an attached department that performs a coordinating role between the secretariat and the district education office, and an augmenting role in policy formulation, administrative as well as financial matters.
DPI is assisted by an Additional DPI, and four directors [Planning, Academic, Administration (M) Administration (F)].
Key functions performed by the DPI Colleges can be listed as following:
1. Implement government policies, directions and orders
2. To assess the needs and requirements of the colleges and provision of funds, staff and buildings
3. To assist the government in formulating policies in respect of academics, financial and administrative matters
4. To act as coordinator between the government and other agencies including the Director /District Education Officers Colleges
5. Maintenance of the career record of teaching staff of colleges(BPS 17, 18, 19 &20) and preparation of their promotion.
6. Administer inter, degree and post-graduate colleges
7. Arrangements for teacher training
8. Registration of private colleges
9. Conduct of inquiries
10. Settlement of audit paras
11. Technical and administrative inspection of colleges
12. Inter-district transfers of teaching and non-teaching staff up to BPS 19
13. Sanction of Leave up to maximum of 365 days up to BPS 20, except ex-Pakistan leave
Divisional Directorates & Deputy Director Colleges:
Higher Education sector has been administratively reconfigured by Divisional Directorates. The province is divided in 09 divisional directorates, with Director Colleges performing a supervisory role in the constituent districts. The key role of the DE Colleges is to maintain a liaison between field and administrative offices.
Deputy Director Colleges:
The office was originally introduced under the LGO 2001 and key functions of the office included:
1. Implement government policies
2. Distribute budgetary grants to Colleges
3. Prepare feasibility reports for up gradation of colleges and introduction of new subjects
4. Prepare ADP schemes
5. To maintain career records of the teaching and non-teaching staff up to BPS 17 within the district
6. To award scholarships to eligible students
7. To decide pension issues of employees up to BPS 18
8. Appoint staff up to BPS 15 within the district
9. Transfer teaching/non teaching staff up to BPS 19 within the district
10. Monitor student affairs
11. Promotion, move-over, selection grade issue of non-teaching staff up to BPS 15
12. Sanction of leave not exceeding 90 days except study leave and ex-Pakistan leave up to BPS 19
13. Issuance of NOC for passport Sanction of GP fund advance up to BPS 20
15. Grant of relaxation (up to 5 years) in upper age limit for admission
16. Grant of relaxation (up to 3 years) in upper age limit for recruitment (BPS 1 to BPS 15)