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I.Com Subjects, Scope, Career, Jobs, Admission Requirement and Complete Details in Pakistan

I.COM stands for Intermediate in Commerce in Pakistan. It is a starting degree of yours if you want to persue your career in a finance and commerce field. Commerce students are inducted in a business field. This Intermediate in Commerce degree program will be giving you an initial and basic understanding of the field of financial management. This degree is the base of finance an accounts. From this study program, you get to know how to calculate the financial and business ratios. This initial and basic studying will give you concepts that how should possible investment should be carried out. The role of securities market and also financial institutions are clearly elaborated in this Intermediate in Commerce degree program.

 I.Com Subjects, Scope, Career, Jobs, Admission Requirement in Pakistan

I.Com Subject In Pakistan, Course Introduction

If you will opt for this Intermediate in Commerce degree program then below is the list of subjects and courses that will be studied by you:

Accounting course- 
This course tell you that how balance sheet should be made, how to make profit and loss statements, how to make an income sheet and an income statement. How to project the future earnings. You study principles of accounting.

Banking course- 
This course lets you to learn about the banking fields of Pakistan. You get to know about the credit and loan sides of bank. How to deposit cash, how loans are processed, how banks are operated, concepts about debit and credit, all of these topics are teach in this course.

Business mathematics and stats course- 
This course will make you to learn advanced for of maths and stats.

Economics course- 
The demand and supply concepts with regard to the national and international market line are teach in this I.COM degree program. Principle of economics subjects is studied by you.

Commerce course- 
It is the basic commerce course, you learn about the trading aspects. You study principles of commerce course as well.

I.Com Scope, Career in Pakistan

If one has an Intermediate in Commerce degree in his hands then with the further specialization in this subject, an individual can be inducted in any of the fields of accountancy and economics. Below is the list of career line options that can be opted by you:

Career as a Management executive, you can be employed as a junior accountant.

You can also become a Construction estimator or a purchaser because by having this I.COM degree, you get a fien grip in numbers and figures.

You can be hired as an Auditor or as a compliance officer at a junior level.

Job of Compensation coordinator and Human resources specialist at a junior level can be given to you.

If you have an advanced I.COM degree then you can become a Money manager as well.

You can also try the fields of Business Management and Consultancy. Get jobs there at a junior level.
The job of Information Systems Manager is also well suited for these Intermediate in Commerce candidates. But first, they have to get a masters commerce degree in their hands to get this managerial post.

I.Com Jobs Options in Pakistan

With this degree in your hand, many of the job options are available for you. Check out them one by one:

Financial Analyst and a Financial Planner job option- As financial accounting and financial management are the important courses of I.COM degree program. So these students have an edge on these subjects.

You can well become a Market Trader or it can be the job of a Market Specialist. A commerce and an accounting student well knows about the market conditions.

The job of Advertising Account Executive, executive account payable job, executive account receivable job can be tried by you.

To get some Managerial jobs in this field, first you have to Bachelor in Commerce or CA because I.COM itself will not be enough. You can do diploma in banking, diploma in the field of retail management. CIMA and MBA options are also there for you.

I.Com Admission Requirement

To get admission in I.COM, you should have passed your matriculation degree.
After clearing your I.COM, you can then get admission in B.COM, M.COM.

This is all about the I.Com Subjects, Scope, Career, Jobs, Admission Requirement in Pakistan we shared here with you.

About Author Aamir Rana

Aamir Rana is a Web Designer and an addicted Blogger. He is admin of official website of Govt Emerson College Multan and its social media accounts. Purpose of creating this blog is to facilitate students by providing them all updates regarding education. You can catch him on social media links given below.

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