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Join Pakistan Navy , How to Apply for Admissions / Training in Pakistan Marine Academy Session 2016-17 Application Form and Details

Join Pakistan Navy , How to Apply for Admissions / Training in Pakistan Marine Academy Session 2016-17 Application Form and Details

Pakistan Marine Academy is located at Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. It is a Governmental institution and an attached department of Ports & Shipping Wing, which trains Merchant Navy officers.

What Is Merchant Navy ?

1. The Merchant Navy is the name given to the international commercial shipping industry. It is made up of a large number of shipping companies who recruit their own Officer Cadets. Merchant seafarers, both officers and ratings, are civilians employed by these companies. Companies vary greatly in the size of ships, types of ships and areas of the world where they operate. Types of modern merchant ship include container ships, cruise liners, oil tankers, gas tankers, chemical carriers, bulk carriers, cable layers, Ro/Ro ferries, car carriers, oil-rig supply vessels and general purpose cargo ships. Their trade routes may take them to every continent and across every ocean on the globe. 

2. On board ship there are three main operational departments. 
 a) Deck Department: Staffed by Navigating Officers(Ship Management) 
 b) Engineering Department: Staffed by Marine Engineering Officers, which may also include Electro-Technical Officers 
 c) Catering or Hotel Department: Staffed by General Purpose Crew(GP-III/ Ratings)which provide the crew and any passengers with catering and domestic services Officer Cadet Programme is restricted to the Deck and Engineering Departments. Catering and Hotel staff is normally recruited from applicants who have already obtained suitable qualifications ashore. 

Join Pakistan Navy , How to Apply for Admissions / Training in Pakistan Marine Academy Session 2016-17 Application Form and Details

About Author Aamir Rana

Aamir Rana is a Web Designer and an addicted Blogger. He is admin of official website of Govt Emerson College Multan and its social media accounts. Purpose of creating this blog is to facilitate students by providing them all updates regarding education. You can catch him on social media links given below.

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