Computer Science Guess 9th Class 2017 All BISEs of Punjab

Guess 2017 Computer 9th

Abacus, analytical engine, the modern stored program EDC, Advancement in 1950s to 1960s, 2nd & 3rd generation, Types of computer, super & micro computers, Use of computer in education, simulation, banks, Basic, Cobol, C&C++, Java, Lisp, language translator

Ch.2: CPU, ALU, BUS, USB, Parallel ports

Ch.3: keyboard, Mouse, microphone, joystick, monitors, Dot-matrix, laser printers, plotters

Ch.4: RAM & ROM, memory units, Formatting , data organization Floppy

Ch.5: data intimation, types of data, number system introduction,1's & 2's complement, computers codes Q#6 to18.

Ch.6: Identity elements, bolen Laws, duality principle, AND, OR, NOT operant, Q1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7 

Ch.7: Types of operating system, DOS,Types of DOS, commands, CLS, Time, Date, Dir, MD, RD, VOL, VER, XCopy, Q.1,5,6,13

Ch.8: folder, File extension, Icon, Start button, Mouse, Shortcuts, Help,Virus, Anti virus, Q,5,8

About Author Aamir Rana

Aamir Rana is a Web Designer and an addicted Blogger. He is admin of official website of Govt Emerson College Multan and its social media accounts. Purpose of creating this blog is to facilitate students by providing them all updates regarding education. You can catch him on social media links given below.

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