9th Class Biology Guess 2017 All BISE of Punjab

9th Class Biology Guess 2017 All BISE of Punjab

9th Class Biology Guess 2017 All BISE of Punjab

long Questions
Ch 1
Define Biology,role of muslim scientist in field science.name of four carers biology & explain,four branches of biology
Ch 3
What biodiversity?note on Endangered species in pak,cause of deforestation & its effects on biodiversity,difference in prokaryotic & eukaryotic cell
Ch 4
Structure the function cell membrane,what cytoskeleton?state import,structure & function mitochondria & golgi apparatus, note on (i) epidermal tissues (ii) types of endoplasmic reticulum (iii) nucleus
Ch 5
What is mitosis? Make list of event of mitosis,four diff of mitosis & meiosis
Ch 6
Characteristics of enzyme,factor affecting rate of enzyme action
Ch 7
Factors affecting photosynthesis,note on mechanism of respiration
Ch 8
Major form malnutrition,note on (i) human digestive system (ii) function of liver in human
Ch 9
Structure of heart,factor affecting rate transpiration,ABo blood system.

short Questions

Ch 1
B/w parasitology & entomology? D/w morphology & physiology,d/cell bio & histology,fossil,order level of biological organism,d/w macromolecules & macromolecules,bioelements & example,tissue & organ biotech & bioinformatics horticulture
Ch 2
Biological problem,d/w theory & law,quantitative & qualitative observation,control in experiments,what do mean informatics,plasmodium discover,incubation period,
Ch 3
D/w taxonomy & systematics,binomial nomenclature,aims classification,hot spot,prions & viroids,five kingdom system,mean by fauria & flora
Ch 4
Meant by magnification,resolution,d/w active transpot & passive transpot
D/w pholem & xylem,osmosis & diffusion
Meristematic tissues,d/w endocytosis & exocytosis,state cell theory,function of lecucoplasts & chromoplasts,hypertonic & hypotonic solution,plasmolysis,reverse
Name of two use found lants,d/w diffusion & facilitated diffusion

Ch 5
Phragmoplasts,G-o phase d/w cytokinesis & karyokinesis,apotosis & necrosis,signaifficance crossing over,two use mitosis & meiosis,difne benign & malignant,disjuction & non disjuction,d/w cytokinesis & karyokinesis,synapsis,kinetochore,somatic cell & germ line cell,asexual reproduction,metastasis
Ch 6
Type of enzymes,cofactor & coenzyme,define active site,optimum temperature,denaturation of enzyme,active energy,optimum ph,induce of fit model,use of enzyme d/w anabolism & catabolism
Ch 7
Bioenergetics,d/w respiration & anaerobic respiration,process of photosynthesis,effect light intensity of photosynthesis,ligth & dark reaction,glycolysis,fad & nad stand,two type of fermentation,d/w oxidation & reducation
Ch 8
D/w autotrophic & heterotrophic,emulsificatiin,dietary fiber,minteral deficiency disease,vitamin a & vitamin c,three type of ulcer,two type of fertilizers,

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Aamir Rana is a Web Designer and an addicted Blogger. He is admin of official website of Govt Emerson College Multan and its social media accounts. Purpose of creating this blog is to facilitate students by providing them all updates regarding education. You can catch him on social media links given below.

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