Mines labour welfare commissioner providing scholarships for the mines labour childrens from blow class 6th students.

Mines labour welfare commissioner providing scholarships for the mines labour childrens from blow class 6th students.

The parents of the children who are working in any Caan in balochistan can submit their scholarship application forms for their children whose studding below in 6th class.

The last date of submission of scholarship application form: 20 April 2017

Eligibility criteria:

The applicant must be 5th class passed and he has already studying in any institute after their 5th class. The applicant brings their college or university card.

The applicant must be attached their parents salary slip that will be attested and attached with application form otherwise scholarship application form will not be accepted.

The result card DMC must be attached with scholarship application form.

About Author Aamir Rana

Aamir Rana is a Web Designer and an addicted Blogger. He is admin of official website of Govt Emerson College Multan and its social media accounts. Purpose of creating this blog is to facilitate students by providing them all updates regarding education. You can catch him on social media links given below.

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